Lecturing Is Pointless …the Difference between “Communication ” and “One-Sided Expression ”

There’re two men at the coffee shop the other day.  It seemed one of them was a boss and the other was his subordinate.

Since they’re right next to me, I overheard their conversation.

Boss: “Did you go voting the other day?”

Subordinate: “No, I didn’t.”

Boss: “You should have.

Young people should vote, otherwise, this country will go through blah blah blah…”

He was lecturing. 

Lecturing Is Counterproductive 

I always think lecturing is useless, don’t you think?

Because if someone lectures you, don’t you find that your motivation decreases rather than increases?

If someone says, “You must go voting”, you never think, “You’re definitely right.  I’m going to the next election for sure”, do you?

It’s more likely that you’ll end up feeling like,  “You shut up.  I won’t ever go voting”.

“Communication” and “One-Sided Expression”

“One-sided expression” is a way of communication that you let all out and feel good about it.
It doesn’t matter what happens to the listener from one-sided expression.

“Communication” is different.
Communication is to motivate someone by talking to him/her.

After all, lecturing is one-sided expression. 
Lecturing doesn’t affect anyone’s way of doing things but gives the lecturer satisfaction once s/he lets everything out.
(Most likely lecturing has counter effect or people would hate you for what you lecture them.)

You have to use other words if you really want someone to go to the election.

For example,

People Don’t Move without Thinking

I would say something like this.

“I also used to think that it’s pointless to go to the election but when I went once, all I saw there were senior citizens. 

That experience made me realize that this is the reason why words such as “easy access to nursing and welfare” or “barrier free” are everywhere on campaign posters.

Politicians will be jobless unless they win the election, right?
In order to win, they determine their policy that would be beneficial to their own voters, right?

If all voters are senior citizens, the electoral district will be full of political policies that the senior citizens will enjoy, right?
You don’t want that to happen, do you?”

How does that sound?
Even if you’re not an election-goer, you may be starting to plan going to the next election, right?

You have to think of a way to motivate someone, if you want to make that person do something.

Lecturing is pointless.


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